Mother of All Secrets

Mother of All Secrets

A mystical role-playing game about an orphanage, where the fates of the characters change with each beat of the clock. Become one of the young inmates and uncover the secrets of the House. Influence the minds, hearts and plans of its inhabitants. Live the 14 days that will change your soul forever.

Home is a Living World

Become part of the tight-knit circle of the orphanage residents. The other residents, your mentors, the servants of the House, and the masters – each character has his or her own life with desires, goals, and plans. Every hour their storylines will evolve, revealing more secrets and changing lives in the House.

You Make the Story

Create your own character and live your own unique story, because only you decide what to spend each hour on. Discover the secrets of the orphanage in whichever way you choose. Decide who is your friend and who is your enemy. Play through the dark and dangerous corners of the House.

High stakes

In each scene, you do things by playing a card. These cards become all of your abilities, items, and even relationships. Each card gives you a new opportunity to influence characters, prevail in a confrontation, or apply your knowledge or skills.

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